
Showing posts from 2016

Why do you need to take Tableau Certificate Desktop Exam?

You might already read my previous blog about How to prepare for the Tableau Certificate Exam . Before you invested time and money in the exam, you may have the moment when you are wondering if it's worthy to take the exam. The fact is that there are not many certificates in the market for data science. Tableau Software becomes a very popular business intelligence tool in the past couple years despite their decreasing stock price. According to the Tableau Report Fiscal Year 2015 , " 88% of Fortune 500 companies, such as Cisco, Wells Fargo and Capital One, use Tableau, which bodes well for our land and expand strategy".

How to Add Mixpanel or Google Analytics on a Shiny App Correctly?

Before you start reading this post, I recommend to read this blog on about how to add a Google Analytics to your shiny app. It's vey likely that you followed all the steps on the blog but it did not work out.  3 steps are missing in the blog post on rstudio website. I will walk you step by step about adding Mixpanel on shiny correctly:

Data tells you the secrets of extramarital affairs

Recently I found this interesting dataset about extramarital affair of women in 1974. The dataset was built under a survey and now is available to download via Pandas package in Python. Some interesting facts are discovered after pure data visualization. If you are interested in interactive dashboard, please click here . 

How to group the dimension and customize the group name in Tableau

'Edit group name' is hidden in Tableau. Here is the instructions of how to group the dimensions and customize the group name. I used the default dataset of Superstore on Tableau Desktop 9 as an example. I want to group the sub-categories with number of records smaller than 200 together

What's the probability of forming a triangle by breaking a stick twice?

Questions: Supposed that you have 2 chances to break a stick with length of 1 into 3 pieces. What is the probability that the 3 pieces form a triangle? Code in Python: [in:] n=100 y>0 z>0 success = 0 fail = 0 n=1500 for i in range (0,1500):     x = rd.random()     y = rd.random()     if (y>0.5 and x<0.5 and y-x<0.5) or (x>0.5 and y<0.5 and x-y<0.5):         success = success+1              else :         fail = fail+1 probability = success/n print (probability)

Data Visualization with Seaborn in Python: FANG Stock Correlation Analysis

FANG, known as Facebook, Amazon, Netflix, and Google in the stock market, are considered very good investment in 2015. Thanks to the Python package Pandas and Seaborn, I am able to gather the adjusted close price and the volume on each day of last year of FANG stocks. 1. Volume and Adjusted Closing Price pattern of FANG in 2015 Amazon and Google has 3 significant peak volume in 2015. It's so interesting to see that the pattern of adjusted closing price of Google and Amazon are almost the same in 2015. It seems the Wall Street investors became confident in both Google and Amazon at the same time. 

How to Prepare for Tableau Desktop 9 Qualified Associate Exam

Last week I passed the Tableau Desktop Qualified Exam, so I decided to give back to the Tableau community about my studying experience. I studied about 1-2 weeks for the exam, average about 2 hours per day, even though I had about 2 years user experience with Tableau.  The purpose of the exam is to test how much a candidate is familiar with the software instead of how good a candidate's visualization skills are. A post named ' Rumor has it...' in the community discussed about the fact that some candidates with few years working experience in Tableau failed the exam. If you are wondering if you should invest time and money in the exam (as it's quite expensive), I recommend to read my other post Why Do You Want to Take the Tableau Certificate Exam . 

Measure or Dimension?

From this article on the official guide it said ' For instance, you might calculate the Sum of “Sales” for every “State”. In this case, the Sales field is acting as a measure because you want to aggregate the field for each state. But measures could also result in a non-numeric result. For instance, you might create a calculated measure called “Sales Rating” that results in the word “Good” if sales are good and “Bad” otherwise. In this case the “Sales Rating” field acts as a measure even though it produces a non-numeric result. It is considered a measure because it is a function of the dimensions in the view'. (Link:  ) I used the below query to create the field of 'Sales Rating': IF [Sales] > 2000 THEN 'good' ELSEIF [Sales] <=2000 AND [Sales]>500 THEN 'medium' ELSEIF [Sales]<= 500 THEN 'ok'  END It aut...